As in our homes food is an important part of Hostel life. Nutritious and tasty evening meals are provided during the week, (Monday to Friday). Eating dinner together builds community.
Plenty of good nutritional food is provided for you. The chiller and pantry are always well stocked. However some students like to buy themselves additional snacks, treats and delicacies.
The Kitchen for student use for breakfast, lunch and after dinner and all weekend where they can prepare food or light snacks for themselves. The staff prepare a variety for the evening meal that caters for a wide range of tastes.
For safety reasons the Kitchen is closed from 10:00 pm. Students can make themselves drinks (tea, coffee, hot chocolate) at all times.

In the weekend the kitchen is open until 10:00 pm with students preparing their own breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is good preparation for flatting in the following year. Students are also permitted to do baking.
In Public holidays and University Holidays (e.g. Semester Breaks) students will be self-catering like the weekends.
Even though we produce a wide variety of foods at dinner unfortunately because of the number of people in the Hostel it is not possible to cater for us to cater specifically for special diets such as Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo etc. We can possibly cater for some food minor allergies. You can discuss with us if we are able to assist with you requirements or if it is best for you to find an alternate accommodation option, where students can prepare their own meals.
“Great food, awesome people, and that one time I nearly ran over the manager’s dog weren’t the only surprises at ECH! The open kitchen during the day and spacious lawn sealed the deal for me.”
“passionfruit and white choc scones were out of this world.”
“Eden Christian Hostel (ECH) is amazing — so many fun activities and occasions throughout the year and the best people. I have made such amazing friends and memories at ECH, and I don’t think I would have survived my first year of uni without it. ECH provided me with everything I needed. A home full of people, love, and God. A community of support and an atmosphere of fun, positivity, and encouragement. ECH was a huge blessing.”